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High Performance ANSI C Compiler for Microchip AVR Microcontrollers

V4.03 release 26 Aug 2024


IDE - Automatic Program Generator - Graphic Library (Advanced) - ISP

Development Kit

CodeVisionAVR Advanced - LCD module with ATXMega A4U and a 2.4" or 9.0" LCD with Touchscreen - Optional AVR ICE


Universal In-System Programming Software for the Microchip AVR family of microcontrollers

Support Extension

CodeVisionAVR includes 1 year of free updates and e-mail technical support. After this period purchase a support package to continue this service.

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High Performance ANSI C Compiler for the Microchip AVR microcontrollers.

  • Integrated Development Environment
  • Automatic Program Generator
  • Graphic Library with support for the X-Graph XG8800 TFT LCD modules (Advanced version)
  • In-System Programmer for the Microchip AVR family of microcontrollers
  • Can be used to compile and upload ARDUINO programs

The Standard version includes the complete feature set of CodeVisionAVR except support for Graphic Displays.

CodeVisionAVR Advanced adds Graphics Display libraries for many popular display controllers, the LCD Vision font & image Editor/Converter and an enhanced CodeWizardAVR.

Are you new to CodeVisionAVR? UVee highly advises first time buyers to purchase the CodeVisionAVR Development Kit. It includes a license for CodeVisionAVR Advanced + an AVR LCD & Touchscreen module + optional an AVR ICE in-circuit debugger.

Your CodeVisionAVR license includes 1 year of free updates and e-mail technical support. After this period you can purchase a support package to continue to receive free updates and support for 1 year. The support price is different for the Standard and Advanced version. Make sure to select the exact version you own during purchase.

You can also upgrade your Standard license to the Advanced license. It might be a good idea to simultaneously purchase a support package.

This is a download only product, nothing will be shipped to you. A free evaluation version is available.

CodeVisionAVR is (C) Copyright 1998-2020 by HP InfoTech S.R.L., All Rights Reserved.

If everything you try works, you aren't trying hard enough."

Gordon Moore

CodeVisionAVR Development Kit

New to CodeVisionAVR? UVee highly advises first time buyers to purchase a CodeVisionAVR Development Kit.

The Development Kit provides all the hardware, software and tools required to get started:

  • CodeVisionAVR Advanced
  • An AVR LCD Module with a ATXMega A4U CPU and your choice graphic LCD and touchscreen (the cpu memory size depends on availability)
  • Optional add a AVR ICE in-circuit debugger and programmer if you don't own one yet
  • Dev Kit ICE

Create quickly and without hardware or software concerns an AVR based touchscreen/display project. CodeVisionAVR Advanced includes support for the Development Kit display and touchscreen. Start designing products which allow monitoring and controlling hardware without hardware or software worries. Use the Grove connectors to add any kind of I/O interface without the need for soldering.

Once your project is ready for production you can order AVR LCD modules (excluding the Dev Kit parts) in single, 25pcs and 100pcs packs (larger quantities contact us for a quote).

The Development Kit is available with a 9.0" 800x480 or 2.4" 240x320 TFT LCD with touchscreen. The 9.0" high resolution LCD allows you to make stunning looking tablet-size projects. The small size 2.4" LCD is perfect for your CodeVisionAVR project requiring a small cost effective LCD.

You can add up to 6 Grove expansion modules. There is also an SDCard socket to store all fonts and images required to build a nice looking graphic user interface for your projects.

An on-board USB connector is used to power the module. Alternatively a power input Grove connector or a compact AC/DC plug-in module (100V to 240V) can also be used. The USB data pins are routed to the USB input pins of the AVR microcontroller. Use the CodeVisionAVR USB library to quickly add USB support to your project.

The Development Kit is based on the X-Graph XG8800 module which is also be available for ESP32, Particle, Nordic BLE and Pycom CPU modules.


A Universal In-System Programming Software for the Microchip AVR family of microcontrollers

  • Compatible with most AVR development tools
  • Supports projects
  • Supports all AVR microcontrollers
This product includes 1 year of free updates and e-mail technical support. After this period you can purchase 'ChipBlasterAVR Support' to continue to receive free updates and support.

This is a download only product, nothing will be shipped to you. A free evaluation version is available.

ChipBlasterAVR is (C) Copyright 1998-2020 by HP InfoTech S.R.L., All Rights Reserved.


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CodeVisionAVR FAQ

How will I receive my license?
You will receive your download link, install pasword and license ID, with a delay that may be up to 12 hours, from HP Info Tech by e-mail. Please also check your e-mail clients Junk folder as the e-mail might end up there. If you ordered the development kit, the hardware will be shipped to you and you will get shipment information.

How can I download CodeVisionAVR?
You can try the product before purchasing by downloading the CodeVisionAVR Evaluation V4.03: Free, 4kbytes code size limited version. PCF8563, PCF8583, DS1302, DS1307, DS2430, DS2433 libraries are not included. Includes also the Evaluation version of the LCD Vision font editor, with disabled saving of the generated font C source code.
The paid version can be downloaded @ CodeVisionAVR V4.03. This version does require an activiation code which is send to you after your purchase. This commercial version also includes the full LCD Vision font editor. The Advanced license is required to use LCD Vision and the color graphic TFT LCD libraries.

Where can I find the CodeVisionAVR User Manual?
Just download it: cvavrman.zip

How do I setup the software?
CodeVisionAVR V3 is designed to be used both in its own IDE and also as an Extension in Atmel Studio 7 or the older 6.2.1563. It is compatible with all Windows® versions down to XP. For the Atmel Studio Extension to be installed correctly, Atmel Studio must be already present on the computer, before the CodeVisionAVR installer is launched.
Note that while installing and using CodeVisionAVR you must be logged in as Administrator.
You must uninstall any Atmel Studio version older then 6.2.1563 and remove all remaining files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel BEFORE running the CodeVisionAVR installer.

I get a warning from my virus scanner while installing CodeVisionAVR !
CodeVisionAVR is protected by WinLicense from Oreans Technologies. This protection may trigger false alarms in some antivirurses like BitDefender, ESET, AVAST or AVG, preventing CodeVisionAVR from being executed. In such cases you need to add the whole CodeVisionAVR installation \BIN folder to the antivirus file exclusion list.

Is Atmel Studio required?
No it is not. You can use CodeVisionAVR in its own IDE. For debuging you can also use the AVR Studio 4.19 debugger.

I want to use an older version of CodeVisionAVR
All previous versions of CodeVisionAVR can be downloaded, just ask us for the correct download link. Mind you that each version has a different install password. Please keep a record of the install password(s) which we send you. If you've lost your install password feel free to ask us. You can use the contact form.

Will I receive an invoice for my purchase?
Invoices are send by e-mail for all purchases. It might take a few weeks before you receive your invoice.

Our shop does not store any information in an online database. That's why you can not use a login and have to enter your invoice data for each purchase. Your address is only used to send you an invoice. Your e-mail address is used by UVee to send you a purchase confirmation, and by HP Info Tech to send you the license. HP Info Tech will store your address to keep track of your license. On simple request (use the contact form below) UVee will erase all your data, or send you a copy of all your data records.
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Payment with Stripe versus PayPal
Our new webshop uses the services of Stripe to handle your payments. Stripe supports all common creditcards, but also Apple Pay and Google Checkout in selected regions. It also supports local bank cards (region dependant). PayPal recently changed their payment system which resulted in higher costs for both you and us.

What about shipping costs?
CodeVisionAVR and ChipBlasterAVR are download only products, no shipping costs are charged.
All other products are shipped with bPost (first class Mail) and we charge €9.90 for EU destinations and €19.90 for all other destinations. You will get a tracking number once your order has been shipped. Shipping time varies depending on the location, EU destinations usually arrive within 5 working days. Longer distance shipments might take longer. If you want us to send your order with your preferred carrier (on your account), add your carrier account number in the comment field, we'll refund you the charged shipping costs.

Are there any export restrictions
We do not sell to residents of Iran, North Korea, and Russian companies with military subsidaries


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